From unexpected drama to shocking performances, MTV’s 2009 Video Music Awards managed once again to raise eyebrows and get people talking. What most people however missed is the occult meanings encoded into the VMAs. The TV event was in fact a large scale occult ceremony, complete with an initiation, a prayer and even a blood sacrifice. We’ll look at the symbolism that went on during the show.
Award ceremonies like the VMAs define and crystalize the pop culture of an era. It consecrates the chosen artists and leaves the others dwelling in the shadows of anonymity. As seen above, the whole show was heavily permeated with occult symbolism, primarly focusing on the “initiation” aspect of it. Why is MTV exposing young people (who know nothing about occultism) to such rituals? Is there a subliminal effect on the viewers? Are we educating the new generation to accept these symbols as part of popular culture? There is definitively a second layer of interpretation in many of MTV’s products. To decode those symbols is to understand the inner-workings of the entertainment industry.CLICK HERE TO READ MORE