Monday, December 21, 2015

Statement by Prime Minister of Canada on release of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued the following statement after receiving the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission:

“The Indian residential school system, one of the darkest chapters in Canadian history, has had a profoundly lasting and damaging impact on Indigenous culture, heritage, and language. As a father and a former teacher, I am overwhelmingly moved by these events.

“Seven years ago the Government of Canada apologized for this abhorrent system. The apology is no less true, and no less timely, today. The Government of Canada ‘sincerely apologizes and asks forgiveness of the Aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them so profoundly’.

“Today, on behalf of the Government of Canada, I have the honour of accepting the Commission’s Final Report. It is my deepest hope that this report and its findings will help heal some of the pain caused by the Indian residential school system and begin to restore the trust lost so long ago.

“To the former Indian residential school students who came forward and shared your painful stories, I say: thank you for your extraordinary bravery and for your willingness to help Canadians understand what happened to you. As the previous government expressed so eloquently in its formal apology: your courage ‘is a testament to [your] resilience as individuals and to the strength of [your] cultures...The burden of this experience has been on your shoulders for far too long. The burden is properly ours as a government, and as a country’.

“Moving forward, one of our goals is to help lift this burden from your shoulders, from those of your families, and from your communities. It is to accept fully our responsibilities – and our failings – as a government and as a nation.

“This is a time of real and positive change. We know what is needed is a total renewal of the relationship between Canada and Indigenous peoples. We have a plan to move towards a nation-to-nation relationship based on recognition, rights, respect, cooperation and partnership, and we are already making it happen.

“A national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls is now underway. Ministers are meeting with survivors, families, and loved ones to seek their input on how best to move forward. We have also reiterated our commitments to make significant investments in First Nations education, and to lift the two per cent cap on funding for First Nations programs.

“And we will, in partnership with Indigenous communities, the provinces, territories, and other vital partners, fully implement the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, starting with the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

“We recognize that true reconciliation goes beyond the scope of the Commission’s recommendations. I am therefore announcing that we will work with leaders of First Nations, Métis Nation, Inuit, provinces and territories, parties to the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement, and other key partners, to design a national engagement strategy for developing and implementing a national reconciliation framework, informed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s recommendations.

“The Government of Canada is committed to walking a path of partnership and friendship with Indigenous peoples. Today’s Final Report marks a true milestone on that journey. Again I thank the survivors, their families, and communities for this monumental achievement towards healing and reconciliation. I also thank Commission Chair Justice Murray Sinclair, and Commissioners Chief Wilton Littlechild and Dr. Marie Wilson who worked tirelessly to bring to light the truth about residential schools in Canada.”

Related Product: Backgrounder: Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Media Terrorism: The ISIL Partnership

Winner of “Worst Staged Photo of 2015,” ISIS “first responder” aiding victims of purported Damascus terror attack

Big money in beheadings

When you see a video of an ISIS beheading or perhaps a “barrel bombed” Syrian school, you are seeing the results of the media partnership, a multi-million dollar one, between ISIS and her sister terror groups and media organizations like Reuters and AP. Working closely with “sockpuppet” rights groups and NGO’s who have long been a front for that other partnership between ISIS and Turkish/Saudi intelligence services and rogue CIA factions, “stringers” by the dozen serve alongside ISIS terrorists.

It isn’t just ISIS media groups, like the one Russia destroyed yesterday after receiving coordinates from Anonymous through media personality Jeff Rense, it is the major media as well. The money flows in from stories and photos, from beheading videos whose rights are vigorously defended though the funding flows directly into the coffers of the terror groups whose barbarous acts are being depicted.

Worse still are the hoaxes and planted or “seeded” false stories through AP and Reuters, picked up by media like the Washington Post, CNN and the Guardian, staged photos and false stories of gas attacks and “barrel bombings,” always of schools, hospitals, mosques, kindergartens and senior citizens homes.

The stories that come from this partnership, ISIS and the western media, are parroted by President Obama, Britain’s Cameron and others as “gospel.”

When tracing the background of those involved, the western media that live so comfortably among the ISIS “beheaders” with no fear whatsoever, we find a common history. Most are from Radio Liberty or Radio Free Europe, CIA fronts with many others having worked in the Israeli media, particularly the Jerusalem Times.

The other partnership that adds feigned legitimacy to the stories is the channel they are distributed through. ISIS sends all propaganda to the press through the Syrian Human Rights Observatory, a UK based “group” of one person with no background or qualifications but who is able to place stories on the front pages of dozens of major newspapers, stories which are universally unsourced, unconfirmed and almost invariably, only days later, proven to be utterly false.

It has long been a goal of “black propaganda” operations to be self funding. ISIS makes millions in partnership with the Erdogan family selling oil, not just in Turkey, but around the world, as Russian has proven.

What isn’t being noted is the funding for propaganda photos like the one featured above maintain a veritable army of disinformation specialists who exist alongside the most dangerous criminal elements perhaps in world history, living among them with impunity, selling their stories and helping fund their bestiality.

Where innocent aid workers are beheaded, seemingly for amusement, where mass graves of women and children are discovered weekly, “certain members of the press” move without fear at all. No one asks why. It is time that Reuters and their associates are brought before an international tribunal just as Julius Streicher was for publishing Der Sturmer in Nazi Germany.

Streicher was hanged on October 19, 1946.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

ET Origins - Tribal Elders speak out on secrets of the Star People

November 11, 2015

Native American Tribal Leaders speak out for the first time about their secret knowledge of The Star People, knowledge that has been passed down for thousands of years.

It was revealed in a dream among Tribal Elders that now was the time for the Tribes to break their silence and share their hidden knowledge of The Star People: the visitors from other worlds.

In this fascinating documentary you will meet people with first-hand experience with ETs, and hear amazing stories of the unknown, and witness for yourself, a mysterious event which occurred in the skies: for some, a visible sign from the Star People that we are not alone.

Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie

Graham Pick, Malta Now

In June 1936 Max Hahn and his wife Emma were on a walk beside a waterfall near to London, Texas, when they noticed a rock with wood protruding from its core. They decided to take the oddity home and later cracked it open with a hammer and a chisel. What they found within shocked the archaeological and scientific community. Embedded in the rock was what appeared to be some type of ancient man made hammer.

A team of archaeologists analysed and dated it. The rock encasing the hammer was dated to more than 400 million years old. The hammer itself turned out to be more than 500 million years old. Additionally, a section of the wooden handle had begun the metamorphosis into coal. The hammer’s head, made of more than 96% iron, is far more pure than anything nature could have achieved without assistance from relatively modern smelting methods.

In 1889 near Nampa, Idaho, whilst workers were boring an artesian well, a small figurine made of baked clay was extracted from a depth of 320 feet. To reach this depth the workers had to cut through fifteen feet of basalt lava and many other strata below that. That in itself does not seem remarkable, until one considers that the very top layer of lava has been dated to at least 15 million years old!

It is currently accepted by science and geology that coal is a by-product of decaying vegetation. The vegetation becomes buried over time and is covered with sediment. That sediment eventually fossilises and becomes rock. This natural process of coal formation takes up to 400 million years to accomplish.

Anything that is found in lumps of coal or in coal seams during mining, had to have been placed or dropped into the vegetation before it was buried in sediment.

In 1944, as a ten year old boy, Newton Anderson, dropped a lump of coal in his basement and it broke in half as it hit the floor. What he discovered inside defies explanation based upon current scientific orthodoxy.

Inside the coal was a hand crafted brass alloy bell with an iron clapper and sculptured handle.

When an analysis was carried out it was discovered that the bell was made from an unusual mix of metals, different from any known modern alloy production (including copper, zinc, tin, arsenic, iodine, and selenium).

The seam from whence this lump of coal was mined is estimated to be 300,000,000 years old!

These extraordinary discoveries although bizarre, are not unique or even uncommon. There are literally thousands of them collecting dust, locked away from public scrutiny in the vaults of museums throughout the world.There are many other unusual reported finds including the following:

The Morrisonville, Illinois Times, on June 11, 1891, reported how Mrs. S. W. Culp found a circular shaped eight-carat gold chain, about 10 inches long, embedded in a lump of coal after she broke it apart to put in her scuttle. The chain was described as “antique” and of “quaint workmanship.”

Displayed in a museum at Glen Rose, Texas, is a cast iron pot reportedly found in a large lump of coal in 1912 by a worker feeding coal into the furnace of a power plant. When he split open the coal the worker said the pot fell out, leaving its impression in the coal.

Yet another report found in the Epoch Times told of a Colorado rancher who in the 1800’s broke open a lump of coal, dug from a vein some 300 feet below the surface, and discovered a “strange-looking iron thimble.”

The Salzburg Cube is yet another ancient puzzle found by a worker named Reidl, in an Austrian foundry in 1885. Like the others, this man broke open a block of coal and found a metal cube embedded inside. Recent analysis established the object was of forged iron and obviously hand crafted. The coal it was found in was millions of years old.The list of such items goes on and on and on.

Welcome to the world of Ooparts, or Out of Place Artefacts.

Out of place artefacts (Ooparts) are so named because conventional scientific wisdom (an oxymoron if ever there was one) states that these artefacts shouldn’t exist based upon currently accepted beliefs regarding our origins and history. These discoveries are “out of place” in the orthodox timeline of human history.

The usual methods of the conformist scientific community, when faced with such anomalies is to attempt to debunk their reported age, or perhaps endeavour to discredit the source of the report or even the reporter. If this approach fails then usually the artefacts themselves are banished to the shadowy vaults of museums and warehouses, never to be seen again.

If these unusual artefacts were “one offs” then perhaps one could be forgiven for accepting the view espoused by the mainstream scientific and archaeological community that they are hoaxes or misreported stories. However, when one realises that thousands upon thousands of these anomalous artefacts have been discovered and reported over the years, then one may need to re-evaluate ones acceptance of the integrity of mainstream archaeology and science.

Occasionally an honest archaeologist will attempt to reveal to the public the true age and origin of such anomalous objects. They will question the accepted beliefs of their mainstream peers. They usually find that their career ends quite abruptly.

Unfortunately, the majority just accept what they are taught in school and university without question. That is how our educational system is designed. It does not encourage individuality and originality. It purely indoctrinates one with established beliefs and dogma.

If one requires evidence of this “mainstream” mentality, one need look no further than the realms of psychiatry. Modern psychiatry seeks to demonize and declare mentally ill anyone who deviates from what is regarded as the norm.

These so called “mental health professionals” have even invented a new mental disorder named Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or ODD (love the irony of the abbreviation).

This newly invented condition is listed in the latest installment of the industry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, which dubs people who do not conform to what those in charge declare to be normal, as mentally insane.

So there you have your proof – I’m obviously an unmitigated nutter and completely insane. At least that is what those in authority would like everyone to believe!

Anyway, I digress.

Read the Rest of the Full Article HERE on

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Mysterious Dogon Tribe

The Dogon are an indigenous tribe located in a region of Mali, south of the Sahara Dessert of Africa. They are a reclusive tribe of people with an ancient and intricate cosmology based on a single god, Amma. They are believed to be of Egyptian descent as their astronomical lore dates back to 3200 BCE. Today, they occupy the Homburi Mountains near Timbuktu where Dogon farmers have used intricate irrigation channels to produce green oases to surround their cliff-side villages.

According to their lore, the Dogon have always known that the Earth was round and circled the sun, but that is only the begin of their cosmological understanding. Their texts contain extensive and surprisingly accurate information about Sirius star cluster long before Western science had made such discoveries. They knew that Sirius had had a companion star which they refer to as Po Tolo, or Seed Star that moved in a 50-year elliptical orbit and was invisible to the human eye. The tribe claims that this companion star contains a mysterious, super dense metal known as Sagala, far heavier than all of the iron on Earth. In 1926, astronomers concluded that this elusive companion star existed was a white dwarf, a type star categorized by its small size and immense density. The accuracy of their ancient astronomical claims has brought much interest to the origins of this mysterious and whom they have come into contact with over the millennia.

In addition to their fascinating lore, the Dogon are also known for their astonishing masks and woodcarvings. Their ancestral artwork has had an enormous influence on modern art, including the work of Picasso. They have over 80 varieties of mask they wear depending on the celebration.


Photograph by (c) Woody Wander

Photograph by (c) Dan Heller

Photograph by (c) Dan Heller

Photograph by (c) Dan Heller

Photograph by (c) Dan Heller

Photograph by (c) Anthony Pappone

Photograph by (c) Dan Heller

Photograph by (c) Dan Heller

Photograph by (c) Dan Heller

Photograph by (c) Dan Heller

Photograph by (c) Dan Heller

Photograph by (c) Chris Rainier

Photograph by (c) Woody Wander

Photograph by (c) Anthony Pappone

Photograph by (c) Anthony Pappone

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Really Happened When Columbus ‘Discovered’ America: A Real History Lesson

September 18, 2015 by Arjun Walia

Prior to the ‘discovery’ of the Americas by Europeans, scholars have estimated the pre-contact era population to be as high as 100 million people. For example, American anthropologist and ethnohistorian Henry F. Dobyns, most known for his published research on American Indians and Hispanic peoples in Latin and North America, estimated that more than one hundred and twelve million people inhabited the Americas prior to European arrival. He approximated that ten million alone inhabited an area north of the Rio Grande before European contact. In 1983, he revised that number to upwards of eighteen million. (source)(source)(source)

It’s also important to note that other scholars have estimated the number to be as low as ten million, and everything in between. For example, William M. Denovan, Professor Emeritus of Geography at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, believes there were approximately fifty four million inhabitants. (source)

The important point to take from this is that there were already a lot of people inhabiting the Americas prior to European Contact. People that were advanced, with extensive knowledge of medicine, the cosmos, and much more.

What Happened? Disease, Genocide, or Both?

What happened when “first contact” transpired? A massive decline of the indigenous population, that’s what. It’s one of, if not the, most dramatic declines of population in the known history of our planet.

The number of Native Americans, for example, quickly shrank by roughly half right after European contact. This alarming transformation was attributed to disease, warfare, enslavement (Indian slave trade), and a disruption of the social systems of the indigenous, all of which had devastating effects on the populations that inhabited the Americas. (source)

Think about this for a moment. We have a population, somewhere in the range of ten million to a possible one hundred million, that shrank to a few hundred thousand by 1900…

This was, as many scholars believe, nothing short of an extermination, which we can attribute to various causes. David Stannard, American historian and Professor of American Studies at the University of Hawaii, reveals in his work that the native people were caught between imported plagues and barbarous atrocities, which resulted in the annihilation of 95 percent of their populations. In his book, American Holocaust, he asks what kind of people would do such horrendous things to others. He and many others emphasize that the perpetrators of the American Holocaust drew on the same ideologies as would later the architects of the Nazi Holocaust. (source)

Did/Have Things Changed?

It doesn’t seem like things have changed much at all. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, the Catholic Church had completely taken over Europe, wielding their power to control people and ideas. There was no seperation of Church and state, as all citizens were required to abide by the rules and beliefs of the church. If not, they were deemed outlaws and heretics, even hunted and killed. This type of activity and “brainwashing,” so to speak, can be traced back all the way to ancient Rome, and all the way forward into our very recent history. Its influence can be seen in the mass brainwashing and manipulation of our minds today. This point is also made clear by Stannard.

In Canada, for example, “residential schools” were set up all over the country. These were government-sponsored religious schools established to assimilate aboriginal children into Euro-Canadian culture, a culture that was made by the ruling elite for us to “fit” into. This type of system actually originated in France, not long after the arrival of the Europeans into the Americas. They were originally conceived by Christian churches and the Canadian government to again, educate (brainwash) and convert aboriginal youth and to integrate them into Canadian society. 

But was the that the real purpose?

When I say Canadian government, I mean the Department of Mining and Natural Resources. In the 1930’s, the headmasters of the residential schools were made the legal guardians of all native children, ripping them away from their parents under the oversight of the Department of Mines and Resources. All parents were forced to surrender legal custody of their children to a principal or a church employee, or face imprisonment. A few years later, “Indian Affairs” was taken over by the Federal Government’s Citizenship and Immigration Office. (source)(source)(source)

Children were killed, abused, and raped at these schools. They were also subjected to nutritional experiments by the federal government in the 1940’s and the 1950’s, and were used as medical test subjects as well. Many of these victims and their bodies have vanished without a trace.

Apart from the massive genocide that killed millions, the residential school program itself is considered to be a genocide.

I was just eight, and they’d shipped us down from the Anglican residential school in Alert Bay to the Nanaimo Indian Hospital, the one run by the United Church. They kept me isolated in a tiny room there for more than three years, like I was a lab rat, feeding me these pills, giving me shots that made me sick. Two of my cousins made a big fuss, screaming and fighting back all the time, so the nurses gave them shots, and they both died right away. It was done to silence them. – Jasper Jospeh, a sixty four year old native man from British Columbia, speaking while his eyes filled with tears. (source)

We do know that there were research initiatives that were conducted with regard to medicines that were used ultimately to treat the Canadian population. Some of those medicines were tested in aboriginal communities and residential schools before they were utilized publicly. – Chief Wilton Littlechild of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. (source)

We believe that what’s already been exposed represents only a fraction of the full, true and tragic history of the residential schools. There are no doubt more revelations buried in the archives. – Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Bill Erasmus (source)

Aboriginal people here, in very recent history, were deliberately killed, and this has been confirmed by eyewitness testimony, documents, government records, and statements of Indian agents and tribal elders. Some estimate the mortality rate in residential schools to be upwards of fifty percent. We are talking about more than 50,000 native children across Canada, possibly more. (source)

The massive genocidal campaign that started hundreds of years ago has continued until this very day… The fact that this system operated under legal and structural conditions which encouraged, aided, and abetted murder, is disturbing to say the least.

Keep in mind, these horrors were perpetrated in Canada, one can only imagine what went on in the United States and South America… So much of our history is hidden from us. The United States alone classifies more than 500 million pages of documents each year. For a historian looking to examine and preserve the history of their nation, how are they supposed to do this when most of their history is being kept hidden or even deliberately altered?

Concluding Comments and Why This Information Is So Relevant

Our recent history has shown us that there was a major genocide in Canada – a deliberate mass murder of the indigenous populations by the ruling elite in order to take over their land and its resources and establish their dominance, just as the same group of elite was doing all over the world. This is very recent history, and the brainwashing/assimilation campaign of all people (not just indigenous) continues today. The world has become extremely “Americanized.” Through mass marketing and assimilation tactics, we have been manipulated into leading the same lives and following the same path. This “plan” of “world dominance” and global takeover seems to have started hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago and has extended itself all the way to the present day.

So what can we do now? We can listen to the message of the core of indigenous cultures that occupied this land before we did. It’s time for us to return to our roots, and stop destroying the planet as we have been for so many years. If we don’t choose to change now, it does not look like we will be moving forward.

It is this type of message which we should take from our recent, ugly history. Messages about love, respect, oneness, our connection to mother Earth and our spiritual heritage… among other things.

"We are part of Creation, thus, if we break the laws of Creation we destroy ourselves. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source of life, not a resource to be exploited. We speak on behalf of all Creation today, to communicate an urgent message that man has gone too far, placing us in the state of survival. We warned that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here. Not heeding warnings from both Nature and the People of the Earth keeps us on the path of self destruction. This self destructive path has led to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Gulf oil spill, tar sands devastation, pipeline failures, impacts of carbon dioxide emissions and the destruction of ground water through hydraulic fracking, just to name a few. In addition, these activities and developments continue to cause the deterioration and destruction of sacred places and sacred waters that are vital for Life."
– Chief Looking Horse (you can view a video of him making this statement here)

Women Of The First Nations Shut Down Tar Sands Pipeline Hearing

September 25, 2015 by John Vibes

This week, women representing the First Nations shut down a pipeline meeting in Montreal. The meeting was on the controversial TransCanada Pipeline which could potentially displace tens of thousands of people and create untold environmental pollution. Native communities will be some of the most hard hit by the pipeline, as the oil companies are planning on building directly through their ancestral homelands, the land that was promised to them through very early government treaties.

Amanda Lickers of the Seneca-Haudenosaunee community was one of the women who joined the protest. She told reporters on the scene that she was determined to protect her homeland and the environment surrounding it.

“What we want TransCanada to understand is that no means no. This is Kanien’ke, this is Mohawk Land, and we are tired of occupation, we are tired of environmental disaster. This is our land and we are going to protect it,” she said.

During the protest, four native women held a banner that said “No consent, no pipelines” as the meeting was being canceled.

“The NEB doesn’t even make the call. All they do is put a recommendation to the federal government. We wanted to push home that this is a process of futility, and if we are going to stop pipelines, we need to move forward with direct action. We have a responsibility to future generations to assert our sovereignty,” Lickers told Common Dreams.

The police were called to the protest, but luckily no arrests were made.

Earlier this year, in Rosebud South Dakota, the Rosebud Sioux Tribal President made an official announcement, stating that the Rosebud Sioux Tribe considers the laying of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline through their lands to be an “act of war.”

One of the most effective propaganda campaigns that the government has going for them is the idea that it is somehow their job to protect the environment.

This is said to be accomplished by punishing those who damage the environment. However, situations like this give a much clearer view of reality.

In this case and in most others, individual private property holders are actually personally invested in the land, thus they have a greater incentive to actually take care of the property and be conscious of the environment.

With the Tar Sands pipeline, we see how the government is actually taking property away from people who would treat it well and then selling it to people who will undoubtedly disrespect it.

Without the strong arm of the government to expropriate the property, the companies that are building this pipeline would be forced to directly negotiate with these property holders themselves or offer them fair deals in return for their property.

Beings that most of these people have so much personal history invested in this land, the majority of them would refuse to negotiate, making the construction of this pipeline completely impossible.

Sadly, politicians have no problem negotiating with other people’s property, so they can be lobbied to use the guns of government to expropriate land on behalf of a third party, making projects that no one wants in their “own back yard” a reality.

(John Vibes writes for True Activist and is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter culture and the drug war.

This article ( Women Of The First Nations Shut Down Tar Sands Pipeline Hearing ) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The rebel artist vs. the android

~a short story~
September 19, 2015

On January 12, 2061, President Winston Smith made a quick campaign stop in the Northeast corridor to address the Coexistence Group in Gates Town.

The Coexistence Group was a remnant of the coalition formed between Monsanto and organic farmers in the state formerly known as New Hampshire.

The President, dressed in a silk rainbow robe, donated to him by the Cosmic Guilders of Carpentry at the Foot of the Most Pleasant Rockefeller Estate, lit a candle at the Memorial of the Drifting Gene, to commemorate the inevitable triumph of genetically modified agriculture in America.

He then gave a short speech, during which he pointed out that all food products in America were now labeled GMO because of the Gene Drift, and although such labeling was redundant, it was “ritualistically correct,” because it signified the right of the consumer to know what he/she was eating.

A supper followed at the Inn of the Bill Melinda. The meal consisted of ceremonial gluten-free organic genetically modified soy-peanut burgers and GM whey cola.

During the supper, a local artist stood up from his seat, toasted the President, and suddenly asked, “What phase of brain programming do you now enjoy, Mr. President?”

A hundred Secret Service agents deployed in the room and at other locations in the Inn immediately drew their weapons. But the President waved them off with a smile.

“It’s all right,” President Smith said. “This citizen has every right to address his Commander-in-Chief.”

The President then offered these off-the cuff remarks:

“Actually, sir, there is no ‘I’ anymore or ‘you.’ There is only ‘we’ because the programming is common to us all, if we volunteer for it. And 67 percent of us do. We are all connected to the same Google/Kurzweil/NSA Plasma Cloud Formation. That, as you probably know, is the artificial superbrain.

“We receive input from it every second of every day. In other words, we are all obtaining correct answers, the same answers, to problems we face.

“Phase Four, which improves connectivity and reception, and takes in expanded subjects of interest and vital concern, is the current application. I, which is to say, we, participate in Phase Four.

“In Four, stress levels are reduced to a nine, on a scale from one to a hundred, where one is the lowest possible stress-count.

“We no longer need to take vacations, except for pilgrimages to sites where monuments celebrate our Nature Is All and Technology Is All and All Is One Everything religious faith.

“And you, sir,” the President continued. “Are you with a Program Phase?”

The artist burst out laughing.

“No, Mr. President. I’m a holdout.”

“Ah,” the President said, “an outlier. Let’s see. Downloading now. Profile. We perceive you’re an artist, your name is Diego Jose Siqueiros. Yes, the information is coming through. You formerly lived in the small city of Ashland in the Northwest corridor, and you received a number of commissions to build structures there.

“After twelve years, you designed and erected so many unique buildings, the city fathers feared that, if left to your own devices, you would ‘take over’ Ashland. In the interest of fairness and sharing, they ceased funding your work. You drifted down to the Los Angeles Complex, where you created a website called Versus the Moron. Eventually, you settled here in the Northeast.”

“That’s right, sir,” the artist said. “A question. Do you remember a time when you weren’t connected to the superbrain in any way?”

The President nodded. “We used to remember such a time, but no longer. Those memories became unproductive. Now we are here With the Program. We operate in it and with it.”

“So you don’t miss being free?” the artist asked.

“Oh, we are free, Mr. Siqueiros. We are free to obtain the right answers through the Program. Having correct data and valid conclusions is quite liberating. The sense of struggle is gone. Struggle is an ancient appendage which technocratic evolution makes extinct.”

“Sir,” the artist said, “I would enjoy debating that point. But I’d rather talk about the individual invention of unprecedented and unpredictable realities.”

“Oh,” the President said. “Another fanciful notion from the past. We’ve discovered that all art and in fact all so-called unique creations of the ‘I’ are delusions. The superbrain can ‘create’ anything. It merely arranges and rearranges data in various configurations. It produces closed systems. For example, it can design a thousand buildings in less than a second.”

The artist frowned.

“No,” he said. “The superbrain spits out random shapes on command. That’s machine-life.”

“Machine-life?” the President said. “I’m receiving mild warnings now. That phrase is an RRT.”

“Meaning what?” the artist said.

“It’s a sub-sub category in the Program. RRT stands for Rebellious Rat Tail. It indicates we are in the presence of a stubborn defective ‘I’ who is scorning the Group.”

“Mr. President,” the artist said. “Were you born of a human mother and father, or are you a virtual artifact of the superbrain?”

The Secret Service agents in the room took a step forward.

The President’s face turned red. He rose from his chair.

“How dare you say that to me!” he shouted.

“Why? Because I’m flipping your cover?”

The artist then enunciated a long series of sounds. The declaration came out, as one attendee later put it, like a “gray river.”


Apparently, it was a code-trigger that had been hacked from the Program. And the code ran.

A loud hum filled the room.

A few seconds later, the President collapsed back into his seat. He flopped around like a doll and then went still. His eyes stared at nothing.

“As I expected,” the artist said. “He’s a four-D printout from the superbrain. An agent.”

A voice came from somewhere inside the President.

“Allen Dulles thirteen A seven branched MKULTRA…”


Then a gentle man who manufactured a product called We Love You Organic Monsanto Cherry Vanilla With Roundup Cookies said:

“It’s all right, everybody. There’ll be another President along in a few minutes. I’m sure of it. He’ll appear. We’re all in this together. We’re in coexistence mode. Don’t worry. The superbrain says we’re all One. Unity. The Tao. Yin and Yang. Night and Day. Harmony.”

And the room burst into wild applause.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

MNCs Operated Destruction Of India

The Chenchus themselves may not be fully aware of the presence of Kali (Chenchu Lakshmi) in Nallamalais. They sleepwalk on her lap blissfully. She guards not just the life but also the ancient man-made treasure as well as diamond mines. Those who tried to steal from her got disappeared in her vicinity. If the present rulers don't grasp this and follow their predecessors thinking that their god Lucifer or the Illuminati can save them, they are mistaken. Let history not repeat itself!

Government of India collects many statistics every year on everything and anything except on the displaced people from the resource rich forests or river banks or fertile lands. None in India in government circles have any figure for the number of people that have been or are being displaced by big developmental projects or sacrificed on the altar of Developmental Mantra by every national government.

Where do these displaced people go?

Eventually they end up in slums of urban centers on government lands or on disputed lands. They become vote bank for urban political parties. In most cases once the land title is allotted these slum dwellers are uprooted from these slums so that big corporation can build shopping malls or apartment complexes for the development of the nation.

Various courts in India including the Supreme Court are either silent on this human tragedy of forcible displacement or in rarest cases sided with the government and big MNCs in pursuing their agendas. In many cases even if there were no environmental clearances for such huge ecology damaging projects like Tehri Dam or Tata and POSOCO or Vedanta, still they went ahead grabbing the lands of poor and destroying the ecology for MNC interests.

It would appear as though these problems are just the result of bad management, planning and a general lack of oversight and holistic perspective. However true that maybe it is just the partial truth. Upon a closer observation infact one would find that these problems are not the result of mis-management, instead they are the results of a very systematic and strategically charted out policies in motion through a very long time.

Most of these above mentioned displaced people are from virgin forests from where coal to diamonds, rare earth metals to gold could be hauled out at throw away prices, which would be used to make high technology cutting edge products again to be sold to India at 10,000 times more profit than the actual cost of the materials/products hauled out.

MNCs want these tribal Indians to go away from their resource rich lands sometime like yesterday. But they are afraid just like the East India Company, that such evacuation (read rehabilitation) may create revolt among people. To avoid such inconvenience MNCs are now using the very democratically elected governments to do the eviction of population in the guise of protection of wildlife and sustainable development.

A massive such eviction is taking place in the State of Andhra Pradesh from the virgin forests of Nallamala range for the exclusive benefits of De Beers, a diamond mining corporation that wants the kimberlite or diamonds from the forest. But that is not the only thing De Beers is after. What De Beers is after is the buried wealth of Vijayanagara Empire to be hauled permanently into western fold.

The efforts of De Beers started at least 13 years ago when it was told to us that “they realized the massive diamond, gold and granite deposits in Mehaboob Nagar and Kurnool districts of Andhra Pradesh”. These deposits are spread under the thick jungles of Nallamala Forests. These forests needed to be cleared first for the diamond mining or De Beers should have to resort to the latest technology called horizontal drilling under the forests.

Now here comes the kicker. East India Companies when they ruled India tried to locate these kimberlite mines and declared that they were all exhausted and thus shifted their focus to South Africa. In South Africa they found diamonds and set up African gold and diamond mining companies under the ruthless exploitative ownership of Openheimers, who were one of the owners of the East India Companies. It is these Nallamala diamond mines that were the source of the riches of all the kingdoms of India including the Vijayanagara Kingdom, which at its height sold diamonds on streets not in carats but in kilograms. This fact was recorded by Portuguese, Russian, French and other chroniclers who had business and diplomatic ties with Vijayanagara kingdom. Every crown jewel of every European kingdom in those days came from India and from these mines along the banks of Krishna or Tungabhadra rivers.

For a detailed understanding kindly read our research report The Hunt for the Treasures of Vijayanagara Empire.

In the year 1600 East India Company was formed and given exclusive right to trade with India and South East Asia by the British Monarchy under the concept of Free Trade and Globalization. It was also given the right to civilize India. In the year 1965 the Club of Rome (top industrial houses-real owners of EICs or MNCs) divided the world in 10 economic segments and gave unbridled authority to ruthlessly exploit Segment 9 (India belongs to this segment 9), a group of mineral (diamond, gold, uranium, life saving medicinal plants, organic food and drinking water) oil and natural gas rich South East Asian nations consisting one third of the population of the world- under liberalization (liberalize domestic economy to globalize its owners) and privatization (privatize so that Free Trade can further control domestic economy via global owners) to a group of MNCs.

Commenting on the mercantile political economy, Mayer Rothschild (one of the owners of the East India Company) once made a historic comment which is resoundingly true even after centuries – “give me the control of the currency of any nation and I care not who rules it…”

Liberalization and Privatization were the tools of the mercantile world in the long history of 400 year struggle to dominate resource rich Asia in general and India in particular. Since the beginning of liberalization of Indian economy for the supposed ‘development’ of India many Indians within the border of India became second-class citizens or non-citizens in their own native lands, country and cultural settings. They became the Helots of India, a derogatory term used by the Romans to indicate non-Romans in their country, intermediate in status between slaves and citizens. However still for whose sake is this development, is still not yet answered as it is tacitly understood that it is for the western countries to continue their geopolitical fight with their yester year cold war adversaries.

It wouldn’t be farfetched to say that in the name of development India is now run only for the profit maximization of giant western Multinational Corporations (MNCs) which are in their latest avatar from the erstwhile East India Companies (EICs). In fact all the owners of current MNCs are the grand children of the previous East India Companies, in lineage, spirit, methods, tactics and business policies (read Business Intelligence).

For a detailed study of the origin of these EICs, their motives and the motives of MNCs along with the commodities EICs dealt with and MNCs plan to deal with or are already dealing with; along with the elusive owners of these MNCs tracking them back to their East India Company roots kindly refer to our East India Company Series – Part I Noble Motives.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The dangers of cultural homogenization

When we do not take the time to enter into silence we cannot know the mysteries of life. Instead we only come to know what lies on the surface. 
– Lorraine Voss

Cultural homogenization is an aspect of cultural globalization and refers to the reduction in cultural diversity through the popularization and diffusion of a wide array of cultural symbols — not only physical objects but customs, ideas and values. Cultural homogenization in theory could lead to the development of a single global culture and the elimination of all other, local cultures becoming the same. ~ Wikipedia

It appears that there is a strong push and incentive towards cultural homogenization or sameness in our current culture. This is sad because it eliminates cultural diversity as it seeks to eliminate differences between people and instead, coerces them into maintaining a one-mind, one-voice, one-world myopic view through hearsay. In spite of the notion that this is an all-inclusive route for conjectural cultural uniformity, it is instead a course that is detrimental, regressive, and fails to incorporate individual evolutionary progress.

There are many people advocating for equality. What this has sadly come to mean for most is that we all chant the same mantra, share the same ideas, and agree on virtually everything. As warriors on a path of freedom it is important to avoid creating such limitations. The natural diversity of human experience far exceeds identical ideologies with one correct way of living. Cultural homogenization can only be achieved through brainwashing (meme after meme of the same thing) or by exerting force through a sense of guilt or shame to those who are non-compliant to a standardized method of doing things.

A path of freedom provides one with the potential to organically arrive at connecting with others through mutually beneficial and necessary diversity. It is when we are given the opportunity to strongly disagree with others that we come to recognize our own individual strengths for attaining new levels of awareness and evolutionary growth. If we were to merely agree with one another on everything presented to us, we eliminate our capacity for vision, revision, and ultimately a new way to view our humanity and our world.

While all spiritual and metaphysical paths ultimately lead to knowing universal source energy or God, the way in which one arrives to that knowing is as diverse and different as there are species upon the planet earth. Cultural homogenization causes the trailblazers or dissenters who are opposed to the dominant paradigm to seem rebellious as they refuse to conform to the sometimes mindless membership into the popular culture of what is most tasteful or acceptable to the masses.

Even when done with the intention of the highest good, coercing people into following a single mode of conduct prevents them from the wonder of arriving at their own conclusion founded upon their own unique and individual experiences. When a society comes together in agreement without true knowledge they function in a manner that lacks common sense, intuition, and pure perception. This is the very thing that creates the blind leading the blind, even when it is presented under the guise of doing what is best for the world.

When did we, as human beings, decide that it is better for one person to hold a vision and recruit everyone else on the planet to support and maintain that vision? Oddly, and what few people seem to remember, is that it has already been done. Indigenous people across the entire planet have been stripped of their customs while missionaries and conquerors imposed their beliefs upon them to the point of killing those who chose not to comply. Pagans and healers were burned at the stake. Do we really want to repeat that destructive pattern? Do warriors of freedom stand to have their personal visions maligned and slandered if they do not buy into the shallow theory of one-mindedness? It sometimes seems as though they already are if they are not in complete alignment with the visions of another.

More important than “becoming one” is the need to come together in our uniqueness so that we can coexist in a state of respect, balance, and peace. What occurs in a state of diverse coexistence is our ability to confront a greater scope of difficulties that can be creatively solved from multiple perspectives for the benefit of all.

Dancing in freedom!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

MNCs Operated Destruction Of India

"In an industrialized India, the destruction of the aboriginal life is as inevitable as the submergence of Egyptian temples caused by the dams of the Nile. As things are going there can be no grandeur in the primitive's end. It will not be even simple extinction which is not the worst of human destinies. It is to be feared that the aboriginal's last act will be squalid, instead of tragic. What will be seen with most regret will be, not his disappearance, but his enslavement and degradation.
(Nirad C.Choudhury)

MNCs Operated Destruction Of India

Government of India collects many statistics every year on everything and anything except on the displaced people from the resource rich forests or river banks or fertile lands. None in India in government circles have any figure for the number of people that have been or are being displaced by big developmental projects or sacrificed on the altar of Developmental Mantra by every national government.

Where do these displaced people go?

Eventually they end up in slums of urban centers on government lands or on disputed lands. They become vote bank for urban political parties. In most cases once the land title is allotted these slum dwellers are uprooted from these slums so that big corporation can build shopping malls or apartment complexes for the development of the nation.

Various courts in India including the Supreme Court are either silent on this human tragedy of forcible displacement or in rarest cases sided with the government and big MNCs in pursuing their agendas. In many cases even if there were no environmental clearances for such huge ecology damaging projects like Tehri Dam or Tata and POSOCO or Vedanta, still they went ahead grabbing the lands of poor and destroying the ecology for MNC interests.

It would appear as though these problems are just the result of bad management, planning and a general lack of oversight and holistic perspective. However true that maybe it is just the partial truth. Upon a closer observation infact one would find that these problems are not the result of mis-management, instead they are the results of a very systematic and strategically charted out policies in motion through a very long time.

Most of these above mentioned displaced people are from virgin forests from where coal to diamonds, rare earth metals to gold could be hauled out at throw away prices, which would be used to make high technology cutting edge products again to be sold to India at 10,000 times more profit than the actual cost of the materials/products hauled out.

MNCs want these tribal Indians to go away from their resource rich lands sometime like yesterday. But they are afraid just like the East India Company, that such evacuation (read rehabilitation) may create revolt among people. To avoid such inconvenience MNCs are now using the very democratically elected governments to do the eviction of population in the guise of protection of wildlife and sustainable development.

A massive such eviction is taking place in the State of Andhra Pradesh from the virgin forests of Nallamala range for the exclusive benefits of De Beers, a diamond mining corporation that wants the kimberlite or diamonds from the forest. But that is not the only thing De Beers is after. What De Beers is after is the buried wealth of Vijayanagara Empire to be hauled permanently into western fold.

The efforts of De Beers started at least 13 years ago when it was told to us that “they realized the massive diamond, gold and granite deposits in Mehaboob Nagar and Kurnool districts of Andhra Pradesh”. These deposits are spread under the thick jungles of Nallamala Forests. These forests needed to be cleared first for the diamond mining or De Beers should have to resort to the latest technology called horizontal drilling under the forests.

Now here comes the kicker. East India Companies when they ruled India tried to locate these kimberlite mines and declared that they were all exhausted and thus shifted their focus to South Africa. In South Africa they found diamonds and set up African gold and diamond mining companies under the ruthless exploitative ownership of Openheimers, who were one of the owners of the East India Companies. It is these Nallamala diamond mines that were the source of the riches of all the kingdoms of India including the Vijayanagara Kingdom, which at its height sold diamonds on streets not in carats but in kilograms. This fact was recorded by Portuguese, Russian, French and other chroniclers who had business and diplomatic ties with Vijayanagara kingdom. Every crown jewel of every European kingdom in those days came from India and from these mines along the banks of Krishna or Tungabhadra rivers.

For a detailed understanding kindly read our research report The Hunt for the Treasures of Vijayanagara Empire.

In the year 1600 East India Company was formed and given exclusive right to trade with India and South East Asia by the British Monarchy under the concept of Free Trade and Globalization. It was also given the right to civilize India. In the year 1965 the Club of Rome (top industrial houses-real owners of EICs or MNCs) divided the world in 10 economic segments and gave unbridled authority to ruthlessly exploit Segment 9 (India belongs to this segment 9), a group of mineral (diamond, gold, uranium, life saving medicinal plants, organic food and drinking water) oil and natural gas rich South East Asian nations consisting one third of the population of the world- under liberalization (liberalize domestic economy to globalize its owners) and privatization (privatize so that Free Trade can further control domestic economy via global owners) to a group of MNCs.

Commenting on the mercantile political economy, Mayer Rothschild (one of the owners of the East India Company) once made a historic comment which is resoundingly true even after centuries – “give me the control of the currency of any nation and I care not who rules it…”

Liberalization and Privatization were the tools of the mercantile world in the long history of 400 year struggle to dominate resource rich Asia in general and India in particular. Since the beginning of liberalization of Indian economy for the supposed ‘development’ of India many Indians within the border of India became second-class citizens or non-citizens in their own native lands, country and cultural settings. They became the Helots of India, a derogatory term used by the Romans to indicate non-Romans in their country, intermediate in status between slaves and citizens. However still for whose sake is this development, is still not yet answered as it is tacitly understood that it is for the western countries to continue their geopolitical fight with their yester year cold war adversaries.

It wouldn’t be farfetched to say that in the name of development India is now run only for the profit maximization of giant western Multinational Corporations (MNCs) which are in their latest avatar from the erstwhile East India Companies (EICs). In fact all the owners of current MNCs are the grand children of the previous East India Companies, in lineage, spirit, methods, tactics and business policies (read Business Intelligence).

For a detailed study of the origin of these EICs, their motives and the motives of MNCs along with the commodities EICs dealt with and MNCs plan to deal with or are already dealing with; along with the elusive owners of these MNCs tracking them back to their East India Company roots kindly refer to our East India Company Series – Part I Noble Motives.

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