A new warning has come to NASA from the Inuits. They are warning that the change in climate is not due to global warming but rather, because of the Earth shifting a bit.
The Inuits are local people that live in the Arctic regions of Canada, the United States and Greenland. They are excellent weather forecasters and so were their ancestors. Presently they are warning NASA that the cause of change in weather, earthquakes etc, are not due to global warming as the world thinks
They state that the earth has shifted or “wobbled”. “Their sky has changed!”
The elders declare that the sun rises at a different position now, not where it used to previously. They also have longer daylight to hunt now, the sun is much higher than earlier, and it gets warmer much quickly. Other elders across the north also confirmed the same thing about the sky changing when interviewed.
They also alleged that the position of sun, moon and stars have all changed causing changes in the temperature. This has also affected the wind and it is very difficult to predict the weather now and according to them predicting weather is necessary on Arctic.
All the elders confirmed that the Earth has shifted, wobbled or tilted toward the North.
This information provided by the Inuit Elders has caused a great concern in the NASA scientists.
PART-1 The Lost Caves of Giza
Beneath the pyramids of Egypt lies a lost underworld of catacombs, hewn chambers and cave tunnels that have remained unexplored for hundreds of years. They are alluded to in ancient texts and Arab legends, but have been left unexplored until today. They have now been rediscovered and investigated for the first time. What exactly does this subterranean realm tell us about the pyramids, their relationship to the stars and the mythical origins of Egyptian civilization? Discover for yourself as we explore the "Lost Caves of Giza."
PART-2 Ancient Alien Discoveries of Early Man
Now presenting an amazing sequel to the groundbreaking film The Mysterious Origins of Man. It's Indiana Jones meets The X-Files in this intriguing program that tackles the age-old question "Where did we come from?" Fascinating viewing! Highly recommended! - Michael Rogers, "Library Journal." The creators of the Emmy Award Winning Mystery of the Sphinx and The Mysterious Origins of Man present a revolutionary new film that examines one of our greatest mysteries: Is there an Extraterrestrial connection to Man's origins? This film challenges what we are being taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization. A new breed of scientific investigators present startling evidence that the academic community has quietly ignored. Includes the facts about this amazing ET mystery and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists, and the best known, most credible Suppressed Science authorities in the world today.
PART-3 Jurassic Art
It's Indiana Jones meets The X-Files in this intriguing 3rd and final installment in the award winning series that tackles the age-old question "Where did we come from?" Fascinating viewing! Highly recommended! - Michael Rogers, "Library Journal." The creators of the Emmy Award Winning Mystery of the Sphinx and The Mysterious Origins of Man Series present a revolutionary new 3rd film that examines one of our greatest mysteries: Is there an Extraterrestrial connection to Man's origins? This film challenges what we are being taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization. A new breed of scientific investigators present startling evidence that the academic community has quietly ignored. Includes the facts about this amazing ET mystery and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists, and the best known, most credible Suppressed Science authorities in the world today.
NOW ON DVD Full 343 min. Version on 3-DVDs. LOADED with Bonus Features and Interviews - Cat# U664 - Go to http://www.UFOTV.com.
The aboriginal culture of Australia, includes a large number of tribes inhabiting the oceanic continent before the arrival of the white man. But all that rich culture is doomed to survive in stocks in which its people are destined to extinction. In this episode one of the elders that preserve aboriginal culture will show the most important elements of a culture that struggles not to disappear. Know his rituals in which contacts the parallel world in which the gods, spirits and men live together. We will see the role exerted by the digeridu, a musical instrument employed in these rituals. We'll see how it is manufactured by the musicians themselves, who will address the complex technique used to make it sound. The cave paintings of Ubi Rock opened the door showing the spirituality of these villages that are sacred totems direct reference the natural world around them. Analyze the paintings today continue to make to represent their dreams and the importance of this painting. Participate with them in making the famous boomerang and the banquet to which fishing leads a giant turtle. But the aboriginal community also show us the bitter side of life: the reserves in which its people seem destined to a slow extinction.
2025: Year of Emergence and Emergencies
*The fall of the old older opens space for a new one located on family
life, not money*
I remember being s...
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Download these amazing films – FOR FREE!
*The brilliant documentaries by Stop World Control show what is really
going on in ou...
This award-winning ethnographic documentary film made by Sathya Mohan PV,
deals with the socio-economic and religious life ...
Most often, making of a documentary is akin to the process of feature filming in the sense that ideas are preconceived, scripts are made in advance, shooting and editing are done accordingly. Most of the documentaries are meant to generate messages serving the ideologies of the funding sources. It is no surprise that the masses are averse to these packages of propaganda.
Ethnographic film as a genre seeks to reveal one society to another creating an environment for trans-cultural understanding. It is loosely bound by perspectives in anthropology and supposedly far from ethnocentrism and propaganda. Here, the camera becomes an instrument of observation and record in the hands of an anthropologist. Events and social cultural phenomena are candidly recorded and interpreted with knowledge gained from participant observation.
Visual Anthropology admits the validity of different documenting styles and objectives for a variety of purposes like research, teaching, broadcast etc. There is a tremendous need for the potential use of film and photography in anthropological research. Also, there is an urgent need to document the rapidly vanishing diverse tribal cultures.
A picture contains thousand words. It might represent an aspect of reality.But it is only a construction. A word is not the thing. It is only a representation. Symbols are not the things which they represent. And realities are relative. Absolute reality is beyond our intellectual enterprise. Physics proves that the deeper we penetrate the matter the far are we from the truth because our instrument of observation intrudes and alters the spontaneous behavior of the subject. As long as the observer is separate from the observed, the paradox remains. It is only when the observer ceases as a separate entity, the total understanding is possible.
It is evident today that ethnographies are not considered as scientific studies. They are also not fiction. These are the times when determinism in science is paving way to probability. As Nietzshe put it – there are no facts, only interpretations. Facts or symbols or representations – they never make sense when are in isolation. Integrating them is a creative process. Ethnography and art are creative constructions. They need not claim scientific objectivity. As Robert Redfield put it – in advancing social science, we invent and practice technique and cultivate a humanistic art.
Anthropology thrives on cultural relativity and holism. If not a "science" in traditional sense, it is a rational enterprise. It aims at uncovering the governing principles underlying human diversity. It seeks to comprehend the unifying features that constitute human nature. Visual Anthropology blurs the distinction between science and humanities. It paves way to an understanding of human cultures in a holistic way.
Many works of art are anthropological in this sense.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. MARGARET MEAD (Anthropologist)
A moving point generates a line
A moving line generates a plane
A moving plane generates a volume
A moving volume generates a hypervolume
The threshold movement is attained at the speed of light
At the speed of light mass becomes infinite and time ceases to be
A timeless, mass-less entity can travel to any point in the universe instantly
A timeless, mass-less entity can manifest to all points in the universe instantly
The mysterious aspect of a human, electromagnetic-ethereal, travels at or beyond the speed of light