Some of these mysteries have intrigued scientists because there are things down there that, according to academia, should not exist. It's likely wide-ranging theories on things such as, lost civilizations, Atlantis, ancient pyramids and UFOs will continue to propagate for generations to come. It is the last great unexplored wilderness on the face of our planet and it’s still shrouded in icy mysteries that puzzle even the best minds. Without doubt Antarctica contains much, much more than just a few frozen bacteria and a hidden lake.
Watch eye opening, educational, mind provoking, controversial, awesome documentaries by subscribing and of course hit the bell button at the top tight of the screen. We will make each film expand the horizons of the viewers open to learning more about the world. We hope you will discover many facts you may have been previously unaware of in this very educational advanced Antarctica expose.
This program is part of the popular series from the History Channel that investigates some of civilization's unsolved mysteries and controversies. This episode goes deep inside the American government's intelligence operations to investigate its secret studies and experiments in mind control. Much information was gleaned from documents accessed under the Freedom of Information Act. An interview with John Marks, author of In Search of the Manchurian Candidate, adds many facts that he believes the government does not want its citizens to know.
For a concise summary of CIA mind control with links to declassified documents, click here. 2018 will be a year of many breakthroughs. The Light Forces are creating a powerful unified field throughout the Solar system in the second phase of an important operation that was already mentioned a few times in this blog and is codenamed Mjolnir. The second phase of this operation started on January 3rd and will be completed in early March (a short delay from the previous estimate of late February). Read More 2018 - VICTORY OF LIGHT - UPDATE
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*When a bow hunter hunts an elephant, they shoot an arrow into its’ heart
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How Suppressed ET Technologies are being Released
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Did you hear about this?
Download these amazing films – FOR FREE!
*The brilliant documentaries by Stop World Control show what is really
going on in ou...
This award-winning ethnographic documentary film made by Sathya Mohan PV,
deals with the socio-economic and religious life ...
Most often, making of a documentary is akin to the process of feature filming in the sense that ideas are preconceived, scripts are made in advance, shooting and editing are done accordingly. Most of the documentaries are meant to generate messages serving the ideologies of the funding sources. It is no surprise that the masses are averse to these packages of propaganda.
Ethnographic film as a genre seeks to reveal one society to another creating an environment for trans-cultural understanding. It is loosely bound by perspectives in anthropology and supposedly far from ethnocentrism and propaganda. Here, the camera becomes an instrument of observation and record in the hands of an anthropologist. Events and social cultural phenomena are candidly recorded and interpreted with knowledge gained from participant observation.
Visual Anthropology admits the validity of different documenting styles and objectives for a variety of purposes like research, teaching, broadcast etc. There is a tremendous need for the potential use of film and photography in anthropological research. Also, there is an urgent need to document the rapidly vanishing diverse tribal cultures.
A picture contains thousand words. It might represent an aspect of reality.But it is only a construction. A word is not the thing. It is only a representation. Symbols are not the things which they represent. And realities are relative. Absolute reality is beyond our intellectual enterprise. Physics proves that the deeper we penetrate the matter the far are we from the truth because our instrument of observation intrudes and alters the spontaneous behavior of the subject. As long as the observer is separate from the observed, the paradox remains. It is only when the observer ceases as a separate entity, the total understanding is possible.
It is evident today that ethnographies are not considered as scientific studies. They are also not fiction. These are the times when determinism in science is paving way to probability. As Nietzshe put it – there are no facts, only interpretations. Facts or symbols or representations – they never make sense when are in isolation. Integrating them is a creative process. Ethnography and art are creative constructions. They need not claim scientific objectivity. As Robert Redfield put it – in advancing social science, we invent and practice technique and cultivate a humanistic art.
Anthropology thrives on cultural relativity and holism. If not a "science" in traditional sense, it is a rational enterprise. It aims at uncovering the governing principles underlying human diversity. It seeks to comprehend the unifying features that constitute human nature. Visual Anthropology blurs the distinction between science and humanities. It paves way to an understanding of human cultures in a holistic way.
Many works of art are anthropological in this sense.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. MARGARET MEAD (Anthropologist)
A moving point generates a line
A moving line generates a plane
A moving plane generates a volume
A moving volume generates a hypervolume
The threshold movement is attained at the speed of light
At the speed of light mass becomes infinite and time ceases to be
A timeless, mass-less entity can travel to any point in the universe instantly
A timeless, mass-less entity can manifest to all points in the universe instantly
The mysterious aspect of a human, electromagnetic-ethereal, travels at or beyond the speed of light